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Thinking Architecture

A Way of Looking at Things

Architecture creates structures that last for long periods of time. It has to adapt with the people and its surroundings. It takes everything in before being created to emulate the same ideas and values as its surroundings did before. Architecture doesn’t want to disrupt the atmosphere but rather take it all in and be a part of it. 

“I do not think of [architecture] primarily as either a message or a symbol, but as an envelope and background for life which goes on in and around it…” pg 12
“Details express what the basic idea of the design requires at the relevant point in the object: belonging or separation, tension or lightness, friction, solidity, fragility…” pg 15

Details help bring the design together. No matter how small or unimportant it may be to others, it can transform the inside, outside or both. A certain detail can make you think of anything in a new way. It can help you appreciate your surroundings by paying attention to this minuscule thing.

The building should feel like it’s a part of you. You should feel a deep connection with the bare bones of the building. The vibrations should make you feel at one with your home. The inner tension and vibrations of the building makes the building feel alive which makes it become animate.

“I think that the hidden structures and construction of a house should be organized in such a way that they endow the body of the building with a quality of inner tension and vibration” pg 19

“…when we, as architects, are concerned with space, we are concerned with but a tiny part of the infinity that surrounds the earth, and yet each and every building marks a unique place in that infinity.” pg 22

Space is so vast that it can engulf us. Yet, each building is like a small detail added to that infinity. It makes space have ups and downs or different angles. Each building is exploring that space around it and becoming a part of it. Buildings are giving space more definition while also complimenting it.

The Magic of the Real

“There is the magic of the real, of the physical, or substance, of the things around me that I see and touch” pg 83

The shadows or light creeping the window blinds give a sense of magic to the place. The building doesn’t have to be filled with walls but can manipulate lights and shadows which can completely transform the space. The magic of the real gives architects more motivation to think outside the box. Abstract thoughts and ideas gives magic more substance which creates a unique structure.

Architecture takes us on journeys we’ve never been on before. The way stairs are shaped or the arrangement of hallways can give a new sense of excitement to the building. A building can make us experience new emotions and create new memories. The arrangement of the interior is important in making the building have more life.

“I like the idea of arranging the inner structures of my buildings in sequences of rooms that guide us, take us places, but also let us go” pg 86
“Generating deep solids and gradations of shading and darkness for the magic of light” pg 87

Shadows and darkness is an amazing detail that gives more character to the structure. It can enhance certain details and transform the size and shape of the building. The magic of light creates beautiful patterns seen on the walls and floors. Light shows the building in a new way that creates a new experience going through it.

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